Photo slides are disappearing. The film support, the developing process, the large amount of light that must be projected on the image to be able to see it enlarged or the very difficulty of being able to reproduce the colors do not help the conservation. We could say that in the DNA of the slide itself is the cause of its disappearance and that it is one of the weakest and most difficult to preserve photographic media.

As with so many other materials, the Museum is gradually digitizing the slides in order to maintain the images that were collected with this medium without throwing away the originals, but trying to preserve them, preventing them from being further degraded by use.

For a few years – especially in the eighties and nineties, and until the turn of the millennium – the City Council made quite a few slides, some of which have become part of the collections of the Museum’s Image Archive. The subjects included in these photographs are usually urban works, so you can see, as the case may be, before, during or after the urban interventions that have changed the city.

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Diapositives del fons de l’Ajuntament de Badalona: obres i canvis urbanístics als anys vuitanta