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Archive Josep Maria Cuyàs

Archive Josep Maria Cuyàs

The Josep Maria Cuyàs i Tolosa Archive was donated to the Museum of Badalona in the year 1992 by this historian and first administrator of the Museum’s family.

It contains all the documentation assembled by Josep M. Cuyàs throughout a life devoted to research. This is a very wide ranging collection in terms of chronology and documental typology. It includes an outstanding and voluminous compendium of visual material as well as a considerable collection of publications from Badalona.

The Josep M. Cuyàs Tolosa Archive has an extension of 75 linear meters which constitute a primary source for researchers of the history and heritage of Badalona.

The archival fund itself consists of 179 installation units. The Hemeroteca collects 273 titles from the local collection and 137 from the general area and the Library has 1931 volumes.